ZEIT proudly presents:
Weerloos, a book presentation by Laurence Petrone
An anthology of the writings of Hans Theys, read by a selection of guests
On Sunday 16 October, from sunrise (8.08am) to sundown (6.43pm), Laurence Petrone presents her new book, Weerloos, at ZEIT. She invited friends and colleagues to read the whole book, consisting of 440 fragments, over the course of the day.
This is the list of guest readers so far:
8u08 Hans Theys
9u08 Idris Sevenans, Meryem Bayram
10u08 Tomas Beaujean, Ruben De Smet
11u08 Ronald Ophuis
12u08 Ludwigshaven (=Ludwig & Fran Van Coppenolle, Simon Masschelein)
13u08 Guy Rombouts, Mariel Matute, Luca Dal Vignale
14u08 Rune Tuerlinckx, Tine Colen
15u08 Dieter De Wilde, Joost Pauwaert
16u08 Witold Vandenbroeck, Mystery Guest
17u08 Bernadette Zdrazil, Laurence Petrone
18u08 Simon Delobel
+ Gert Junes, Paul Ilegems, Elise Elyousfi, Yi Zhang, Victoria Parvanova and many others
For this book Laurence read everything that art critic Hans Theys ever wrote and selected 440 fragments, which she structured into nine chapters, with ‘radical, unexpected, exciting transitions’.
‘It is my wish not to take the reader by the hand. Either a fragment speaks to someone and you read it or you don't. Either someone looks and feels something, or not. I read one essay by Hans Theys and I wanted to read everything, and I still get lost. This makes me question things and look again. I call him the Nestor of the Belgian art world, as a joke and conviction in which recognizing someone is about the depth of a gaze and the corresponding attitude to life.
'Weerloos' is (only) one possible window that offers a view of his (written) oeuvre. From this window I recognize a core from which all fragments depart. This undercurrent confirms the unknowability of the world and the seemingly arbitrary (unfathomable?) externalization of this existence. In line with this, the writer emphasizes the importance of experiential knowledge – knowledge gained as an acting being – and the importance for every human being to be able to emancipate himself from any form of teleology or compulsive efficiency. In doing so, his writing mind sheds light on a multitude of questions that have struck me, such as what scientists, real statesmen and artists do, what artworks embody, what freedom and a truly spiritual attitude to life could be, how societies form and cultures survive.’
We will welcome you with coffee and Italian cake, minestrone and bread.